2 briskets


New member
Am I off my rocker or is it possible to do 2 packer briskets at once in the #2?  Have to have 2 for a get together and don't want to smoking for 2 days straight.
I don't see why not.  I did a packer cut brisket that was 11 or 12 lbs along with a boston butt.  As long as you can put each on one shelf (you can even scrunch up the flat end a bit if needed, it'll shrink), you should be just fine.
I have a #3 and know i could do it, however I think a packer fits in a #2 cut. I believe I remember Tony (Divot) writing about cutting full packer briskets in half and putting the flat on top shelf, point on the bottom. If that is correct you wont be able to fit two.
I always had to cut packers in 2 for the #1, but can fit about a 12 lb packer in the #2 uncut (depending on the length - which can vary individually).  I think 2 packers in a #2 might be a crowd, but you could definitely do it in a #3, don't you #3 owners think?
Plenty of room in a #3 for 2 packers without cutting the meat. Although I have never done it, it would be interesting to see how the temp fluctuations react to such a load.
I haven't done this, but I think if I would want to smoke two full packers I would separate the points from the flats and them smoke the flats on the top shelf and the points on the lower shelf. This would help prevent the flats from drying out and have the points and flats get done closer to the same time.

Just a thought. I'm not sure if this would work in the #2 or not, but should easily work in a #3.
NDKoze said:
I haven't done this, but I think if I would want to smoke two full packers I would separate the points from the flats and them smoke the flats on the top shelf and the points on the lower shelf.

I've done this, and was not happy at all with the results.  What I found, was it defeats the magic of a whole packer cut brisket!  The flats are always dryer, and when you separate them, it's even worse.  The point and flat, together, helps both (they're a great little team)!
I wouldn't hesitate to do 2 full packers in my #3 if I need that much meat. I have done 3 full slabs of belly and that is greater mass than the briskets.
Pork Belly said:
I wouldn't hesitate to do 2 full packers in my #3 if I need that much meat. I have done 3 full slabs of belly and that is greater mass than the briskets.

If you couldn't do 2 packers in a #3, you wasted your money. ;)