2 7.5# butts


New member
I have 2 7.5 pound boneless butts that I put in yesterday.  They've been in the #2 for 15 hours now and are up to 183.  Unfortunately I have to pull them in about 2.5 hours at they latest.  I had them going at 225 overnight and just upped the temp to 235.  Was hoping to get to at least 195 which feels like it's not going to happen.  Anybody know how many degrees per hour these butts will rise once they hit 180 after the stall? 

This is only my second go and the last time I did 2 butts they got to 198 in 14 hours and were absolutely perfect!
For my first butt it took 14 hours to get to 190 and then I removed it from the smoker and wrapped in foil in a cooler for 2 hours and then pulled it. Mine was about 9.75 lbs smoked at 225 with 6 oz of hickory. I'm not experienced at all but followed recipes and guidelines from here and it turned out great. If I can remember, I think mine seemed to stall for about 2-2.5 hrs

The only change I'm making next time is to cook at 235 instead. I was told that could help wth the bark that I'm hoping for.

Good luck, hope they turn out great!
Joe, I have done a handful of butts in my #3 and I put them on between 10:00-midnight.  They are usually around the 8 pound range.  I had one ready by 8:00am one time and one not reach temp until about 6:00pm.  I guess each piece of meat acts differently.  Most of the time they are ready around 2:00ish or so and I wrap them in foil and towels and into a cooler until supper time.
I put most of my butts in between 11:00-12:00 at 225, and they almost always are done in the mid-afternoon the next day.

But when I smoke two butts, I do increase to 235 to adjust for the extra meat mass in the smoker. I think increasing to 235 the next time you smoke double butts will remedy your problem.

Butts have a pretty wide range of "done."  I have experimented with different temps, over the last several years, and have found that the upper 180s to the really low 190s is perfect!  Here's the deal:  They are unpredictable, so no one can tell you exactly how fast they will rise out of the stall.  But, once you do see it start to rise, as it comes out of the stall, you can rest assured that the real "work" is done!  The stall is where the internal fat is rendered, and the meat is tenderized.  As the temp climbs out of the stall, go ahead and wrap/rest it from 188 - 192.  The meat is just as tender as your 198, and more moist!  You can tell by the feel, if you press a finger in it, that it's very tender and done.

Pork butts are just not that sensitive to temperature, once the stall is done!  This is one of the reasons it is the perfect smoke for folks new to BBQ!  It makes anyone look like a true "pit master" to their friends and family! 8)