1st Chicken - My horrible mistake explained for all new smokers to learn from


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Subject line got your attention, didn't it? (read on to learn about the error I made)...

So, I did my first chicken today (3.5lb bird) that was carefully chosen from the grocery store to be the best bird that it could be. This was not your ordinary injected bird that looked like a monster of meat sitting in the grocery cooler. It was a "Just BARE" young chicken without giblets and neck. Yes, it was missing a few parts but that's ok since we don't like those parts anyway! This bird is so special that it is apparently "Traceable to Family Farms", "Vegetable & Grain Fed", and contains "No Antibiotics-Ever". I didn't do a background check on this bird to confirm these "special" claims but I figured why not pay a little more to be the first chicken admiring the inside of my SI2 world class smoker?

Every good bird needs a bath before enjoying a trip to the aromatic burning forest of peach and apple trees. This particular young chicken got to take a super long and luxurious bath in a cup of lemon juice treated with a couple packets of Weber 'Just Add Juice' Garlic & Herb Marinade Mix. I've never before tried this marinade mix so it felt appropriate on this special occasion. I bet you're thinking what's the special occasion? Well, it's a Tuesday and Monday is over (Yay!). It's also nearing the marinades "Best By Feb 19th, 2015" date so time to experiment with new things! The bird bath was prepared around 1am on this fine Tuesday morning and then the youngster was allowed to frolic for about 14 hours before it was "time". Yes, "time" for the trip to visit 1.75 ounces of peach and .75 ounces (2.5 total oz. for those without calculators and who dislike math)of apple wood aromatically filling my SI2. ;)

This rebel bird decided it was a good idea to spend about 2.5-3.0 hours in the enchanted forrest. At this point, the fowl started sweating profusely and worked up a 163° temperature during its trip. We made the decision it was time to exit the enchanted forest and visit the volcano of fire (also known as the Kenmore "gasser"). When the young bird finally visited the volcano it suddenly erupted in flames and gave this bare chicken a burn on its beautifully smoked skin. I then had the rush the bird from the volcano to the emergency room/kitchen table where I attempted to fix him up. Unfortunately, I'm not a doctor so the best I could do was cut up and place this birds great smelling and super moist meat next to some pretty piles of mashed potatoes and green peas. The operating room was pretty busy and messy so there was no time to photo capture the detailed operating procedures.

I bet you are now all wondering what my "horrible mistake" was? Well, I feel that birds of a feather should flock together. One 3.5 pound bird is NOT enough to enjoy such a wild and crazy adventure. I'll definitely remember this for the next time!  Enjoy some pictures below that commemorate this young chicken's crazy adventure...



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At least the story had a happy ending, Tony! ;D

Personally, I've thrown in the towel on ever getting chicken skin perfect!  It usually gets discarded, by us, when straight out of the smoker (which your picture of that looks great, btw).  Every time I either try to hit it with high heat on the grill or oven, it does what yours did!  No thanks to "food for the gods" (burnt offerings)! :o

Now, I look at chicken skin like a natural moisture retainer for the succulent meat inside.  And, just like any other "scraps," it get consumed by Cyrus, my English Mastiff.  His palate is not near as discerning as mine! ;)

Try filling the cavity with mire poix sometime - equal parts of chopped celery, onion and carrots, and any other "aromatics" you have.  Great results, and really adds good flavor to the meat.
I found using the gas grill works very well crisping the skin, but you have to stand there and watch it so it doesn't burn. It catches all of a sudden and burns if you turn you back for a second.
My little English Cocker gets the skin. Dogs gotta eat too! Unless I can hunt down a tiny piece from under the wing or somewhere that hasn't turned into some sort of alien super-strength, ultra-thin material you could send into space.
My golden retriever loved the skin. I mainly fired up the grill to "speed up" dinner since everything was ready at the chicken was only at 163 in the smoker. I tried some of the skin and found it just like you've all said... undesirable.

Regardless... next time I need more meat in the box so there are actually some leftovers to do things with!
I actually pull my chicken at 165 in the breast and wrap in foil for 30 minutes or so. Seems fully cooked. So you were almost there. Maybe you like yours at a little higher temp. The USDA has recently relaxed it's minimum temperature safety guidelines for poultry and pork.
SconnieQ said:
I actually pull my chicken at 165 in the breast and wrap in foil for 30 minutes or so. Seems fully cooked. So you were almost there. Maybe you like yours at a little higher temp. The USDA has recently relaxed it's minimum temperature safety guidelines for poultry and pork.

If I had some more time I would have done just that. I was hungry and had the rest of dinner waiting. I didn't take a final temp off the grill but the meat looked done. It wouldn't have minded a little more done in some spots but I think it was all safe to eat.
Tony, love the story. Bummer on the skin. It's one of my favorite parts....I like turkey tails too... go figure. I usually finish birds in an oven to omit the flaming torch.  :) You're right, more chickens next time.
BedouinBob said:
Tony, love the story. Bummer on the skin. It's one of my favorite parts....I like turkey tails too...
I also love the story , and not to mention Turkey tails or should I say the Pope's nose.......yum ....yum .
I was going to say "Pope's Nose" but OFFSHORE GINGER" beat me to it. When I was a kid, we always called it the "doompa". I was told it was Polish for "tail", but I've never found any translation online to verify that. Oh well, maybe someone knows what the heck doompa means, or why our family called it that.
You just misspelled it.  My wife is Czech and uses the term al the time.  Doopa

We always pronounced the "m". So I always thought it was "doompa". I'm super excited to find out where this comes from!
SconnieQ said:
I was going to say "Pope's Nose" but OFFSHORE GINGER" beat me to it. When I was a kid, we always called it the "doompa". I was told it was Polish for "tail", but I've never found any translation online to verify that. Oh well, maybe someone knows what the heck doompa means, or why our family called it that.
Very funny because my Grand parents  use to say that very same thing with  both of them  being from the old country .
SuperDave said:
You just misspelled it.  My wife is Czech and uses the term al the time.  Doopa

"Doopa" is the correct pronunciation. SuperDave is correct, and my family tells me so. I hope this spreads across this forum like wildfire. Perfect word. Preserve history and funny words. My job is done.