1st Butt Smoke


New member
My 10 lb butt is in hour 11 and the meat thermometer is at 190 degrees.  I had planned to eat between 6 and 7.
Hopefully it makes the last 10 degrees in the next two hours.

Hopefully I can e-mail my cell phone pictures to my lap top for size manipulation.
Oh my...not sure what temp you are smoking, but a BB typically takes 1.5 hours per pound.  If you are smoking at 225, then you might want to up the temp a bit to meet your deadline.
The total cooking time was 12 and 1/2 hours at 235 degrees.  I rested it for 30 minutes.

The taste and moisture content were unbelievable.  Most of the family didn't use any sauce. The bark was fantastic.

The clean up was so easy.

Thanks so much for all the help this forum provided.

The recommendations were spot on.  The smoker, the maverick, the briner worked very well.  The recipes were great.
Awesome, Jackie!  Your cook time is not at all unusual, at least in my experience.  I rarely have a pork butt go more than 1 1/2 hours per pound, and most are closer to 1 to 1 1/4 hrs.  Glad to see you took the plunge and brined it! ;)

Nice job! ;D
Hey Jackie, that is a nice pork butt, excellent colour you can tell it was very moist.  These smokers produce some amazing Q.