1st butt and babybacks


New member
First I want to say thanks to all you guys on here for the awesome info and help this is the first time i have ever smoked anything. Did a 9.3lb boston butt sat. brined for 12 hrs in dm's brine recipe pulled rubbed with mustard and famous daves put in#2 at 225. Butt hit an it of 196 on the maverick after 15 hrs. Pulled wrapped and let sit for an hour best pulled pork me and my picky wife have had couldnt believe it the bark was awesome and it was very moist.
Hit enter to soon sorry. Did 2 racks of ribs thurs. rubbed with mustard and famous daves overnight in the #2 at 235. Pulled the 1st ones at 5 hrs and 15 min and they were perfect for me a little tug but moist and tender. Let the other 2 halves go for 45 more minutes and they were fall off the bone tender. Thanks again guys love my #2
Welcome to "Club Lazy Q," Hawg!  Congrats on the fantastic first smokes!  We love pics to drool over, btw. ;)

When you have a chance, head over to the Introductions section and tell us a little about yourself.  Also, a first name and town in the signature line of your profile is nice - let's us get to know our new friends!

Sure glad to have you with us! 8)
The Smokin-It smokers can really make us look good. :)

I have smoked pork butts in a lot of different kinds of smokers before I got my Smokin-It and none compare to the results that I get with my #3.

Congrats on the successful first smokes!
Welcome aboard Hawgjaws! When (or if) you start serving some to your friends/coworkers you remember to tell them it's your first time smoking for company and nearly your first time smoking. You'll suddenly be elevated to the best friend or promoted employee status. Then you can use the leverage of how you slaved over that meat all day and would be willing to do "challenging" cooks for them if they bring the meat and beer next time!