1st brisket


New member
I am looking to do my first brisket, I bought a 6lber(small family and quicker cook time), but from what I've read it won't be that quick.  Should I just freeze this one and go with a bigger one? Also whats everyones opinion on to brine or not to brine? How long to brine? I see a lot use a basic salt and pepper rub, is that the norm? Do you really get a bark since most tent once it gets to 160-170, then finish foiled to 195?  Wifes away and would like to get this done for when she comes home, any and all suggestions welcome and appreciated. Thank you
Kevin, this will be fine for cutting your teeth on brisket.  I bigger one will make your life easier but no sense wasting this one.  For the piece that you have, I would say that an injection is going to go farther in your aid than a brine.  If you want to go all out, do both.  Most here do not wrap and foil at 160-170 although, I am one that does.  It is not a crisp bark by any means. If that is important to you, just let it ride to completion.  Then wrap in foil to rest. 
Hey Kevin, Just did a 7# and used Dave's recipe for the injection smear with mustard and rub put in fridge then in smoker the next morning. I also pulled at 165 internal temp. placed in a foil pan, added the remainder of the injection liquid around the edges of the meat and put foil over and crimped along the edge of the pan and back in the smoke to an it of 195. Pulled and let rest for a couple of hours. You cannot go wrong with his injection recipe.
Thank you I'll have to look it up. I am not sure about a crispy bark on a brisket (never had one with a crispy bark), I am just looking to test the waters.

Would the rub I used on pork be good or is sugar only good on pork?
allmann said:
Thank you I'll have to look it up. I am not sure about a crispy bark on a brisket (never had one with a crispy bark), I am just looking to test the waters.

Would the rub I used on pork be good or is sugar only good on pork?
Everyone's tastes are different but yes, sugar is typically a pork thing.  Salt, pepper, garlic powder and some onion powder makes a great beef rub.  IMO, beef is a lot more of a KISS meat.  All you really want to do is enhance the beef flavor that's there. 
Hey Kevin, I can help you with that.
Super/Dave's beef injection recipe:
1 can beef broth
1 tbl garlic powder
1 tea Better than Bouillon
1/2 t Worcestershire sauce
mix together over med. fire do not boil but make sure all is mixed thoroughly. Dave mixes the day before and lets it rest in the fridge, but he uses crushed garlic then strains it. I sub. the powder and this really gives it a good taste.
Hey Kevin, Do the injection, then smear with mustard, add your rub then wrap in plastic wrap and put in the fridge for at least 8 hrs. That is how I do mine.
the injection will be in for 4 hrs and the rub has been on 25hrs it will be going in the smoker around midnight tonight wish me luck