1st brisket on #1,,woohoo


New member
Hello all!! picked up a small 2lb brisket at Walmart for $9 today, smoking it this weekend, was planning on using pecan, do I need a brine/injection for this small brisket? maybe just coat with mustard and then rub? suggestions/concerns/complaints??? thanks so much...james
The smaller ones are even trickier.  I would brine and inject.  I have seen posts that some will add a bit of fat to the injection or even use bacon grease as a binder instead of mustard.  Those little flats tend to have less fat and they will take longer per pound than something that is 7+lbs, it's odd, but it's just fact.
Very tough to get a 2 lb brisket right (I wasn't even aware you could get one that small!).  You'll be amazed how long it takes - plan for 2-3 hours per pound!  (Now that I've said that, this one will cook really quick).  Weird, but true.  Next time you try a brisket, go a minimum of 7 lbs - you'll be much happier with the results.  Those small, tough, cuts (brisket) just don't like to follow the rules!
I've always has a suspicion that a 2 to 3 pound brisket came from a train wreck of a steer and that little piece was all they could salvage.  The butcher had a conscience but couldn't see wasting the whole thing.  ;)  a.k.a. worst of the worst. 
didn't mean to dissuade you, a small brisket is quite possible in the SI, just be sure to use all the tricks for moisture (brine, inject, water pan) in case it is in there for even longer than usual on smaller pieces of meat.  Another option is to smoke for ~2-3 hours and then wrap and finish in the oven (this will likely not give you a good bark if that concerns you).
mizzoufan said:
didn't mean to dissuade you, a small brisket is quite possible in the SI, just be sure to use all the tricks for moisture (brine, inject, water pan) in case it is in there for even longer than usual on smaller pieces of meat.  Another option is to smoke for ~2-3 hours and then wrap and finish in the oven (this will likely not give you a good bark if that concerns you).
its all good, got a 7 lb one to experiment on:)
Ronnie - you'll be so much happier with the larger cut - especially for your first!  I also wasn't trying to be negative, but something that small was nothing but trouble!  Dodged the bullet, my friend! ;)
I am waiting on my #1, should arrive here next Tuesday. But, the way UPS delivers in my area will be in the evening so might as well say Wed. But, was wondering if a 7lb brisket will fit in the #1? Or will you have to cut it in half?
elkins20 said:
I am waiting on my #1, should arrive here next Tuesday. But, the way UPS delivers in my area will be in the evening so might as well say Wed. But, was wondering if a 7lb brisket will fit in the #1? Or will you have to cut it in half?

No problem, as long as it isn't longer than 15".
I was not sure a 15 inch brisket would fit in the #1, As the racks are just 12" by 13" or do you just cram and let them squeeze together. I could see a 15 inch brisket fitting in the #2 as the rack size is 14 1/2 by 14 1/2. But, I know you have both so was curious on this. 
if you bend the flat side a bit to get it to fit, no worries as it will shrink pretty quickly and you'll get a flat piece of meat out of the smoker.  You can also angle it on the shelves which adds a tad more length.
Ok will try that next time... The other day I just cut the two I had in two. Now I have 4 pieces that are each a little over 7 lbs. I hope they will cook alright
elkins20 said:
Ok will try that next time... The other day I just cut the two I had in two. Now I have 4 pieces that are each a little over 7 lbs. I hope they will cook alright

Put the thickest end on the lower shelf, and the thinner end up top.  Done a bunch in the #1 like this - no problem!