1st Brisket-Major Success over the WSM!


New member
I'm busy running the gauntlet, so to speak. I want a little star for checking off all the proteins cooked on the SI3D. I was humoring myself with thinking about putting a post for other new folks like myself, once you run the gauntlet, (ribs, pulled pork, brisket, sausage, etc) you get a goofy star or something :)

But anyway, I'm beyond thrilled with my first brisket cook. I had picked up a choice 8.3 pound brisket at my nearest Smart & Final. I am keeping my fingers crossed that there might be prime grade brisket at Costco, but the last time I was looking at prime steaks there, I think I only saw ribeye.

This was salt rubbed for an hour, then followed up with a simple mix of two peppers and some roasted garlic powder. Cooked at 225ºF with two water pans and one piece of maple, three of hickory for a total of just shy of 6 oz. My next brisket will get wrapped at 150-160. This was ultra tender, and moist, but I'm pretty sure i can get it even more moist.

I couldn't even eat half my salad because I kept stuffing my face with the meat.


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Forgot to add, the reason for the title is that this beats the snot out of the WSM in terms of true, clean flavor clarity of meat and smoke. I imagine if I would have bought a BBQ guru temp controller, I could get closer, but this is just too easy.

I didn't even brush the meat with sauce. I served a bit of Everett & Jones BBQ Sauce on the side, but it was actually better without it. I'm a big stickler for maintaining the flavor integrity of the beef, so I don't generally inject flavor brines. I've had a few that come out like pot roast. I prefer to keep it simpler.
I agree, coming from a WSM background, everything I've made in my SI tastes better, is more moist, and way easier! The true flavor of the wood, and meat. I feel bad about saying that, because I enjoyed the WSM for so many years, and it was my introduction to smoking, so I am sentimental about it. (Haven't used it since though LOL.) But I also think that background (monitoring, adjusting the vents, sleepless nights, mopping, wrapping) is what makes me appreciate the SI so much. My briskets always come out of the SI jiggly and juicy without wrapping (I only wrap to rest). These smokers are so moist that you might not see much benefit to wrapping, but should give it a try. I do get the Prime briskets from Costco. I too like my brisket without sauce. I don't even serve it on this side. It never occurs to me that some people like sauce on their brisket. Too bad I guess if they come to my house!
Fantastic, Tom!!  Nice job, indeed!  Forget the wrap, and add a water pan.  You'll get great bark still, and it will add a little more moisture to the meat.  Also, full packer briskets will always be juicier.  That point muscle adds a lot of rendered fat into the flat.