1st Brisket in #3. Any suggestions?


I just picked up a 12lb Packer to smoke in my #3. I've smoked a few briskets but never in my new smoker.  I wouldn't mind injecting it and rubbing it.

I'm interested what people inject them with? 

I have my own rub but wouldn't mind trying a new rub. I've heard equal parts paprika, salt and black pepper is a decent rub... Anyone tried it?  Let me know what you've tried successfully!

Any help would be appreciated!  Thanks!
Also, I see conflicting opinions as to fat cap up or down?  I had an old smokey electric prior to SI3 and I always went with fat cap down to protect the meat from the heat. Any opinions on this?
I used to just inject brisket with this injection:


But now, I'm into brining!  Here's a post of a brined brisket smoke:


Next time, I'm going to brine, then inject and wrap (for flavor, not moisture or tenderness).  I just like the taste of my injection. ;)
I usually go fat cap up, but my last packer (the second link), went fat cap down.  There was hardly any fat, at all, on the other side of the flat, so I went cap down.  Not sure how much difference this really makes...great results both ways!
Thanks!  I just finished getting 'er ready.  Used a mustard base, and a rub of equal parts course ground pepper, paprika & kosher salt.  Zipped 'er up in the vacuum sealer and shoved 'er back in the fridge till tomorrow night.

Planning on using hickory.  I usually like Oak but I don't have any at the moment.  I did find a place in Houston that has fruitawood and stopped there a couple of weeks ago and picked up some peach and maple.  I'm debating mixing in a small block of the Maple into the smoke box.  Not sure.

I haven't run into any problems yet in my SI smoker but in my Old Smokey, if I place the fat cap up, the meat side would be tough on the non fat cap side.  And as with your brisket, mine doesn't have any fat on the flat on the non-cap side.  So, I'll probably go with Fat Cap Down so that it doesn't burn.

I do plan on adding a can full of apple juice or beer in the smoker to keep the moisture level up.

I'll go about 220F until I hit 190, no peaky.  Then, wrap it and throw it in the cooler for a nice rest before slicing.

I decided to try injecting and maybe using a little instacure on the next brisket. 

Nothing that I have smoke so far in my No. 3 has been anything less than stellar!  Even the ribs which I will attempt to make better, were the best I have ever made.  And everyone who had them absolutely loved them.

I'm loving the No. 3!  Looking forward to my next purchase... an Auber!

Fat cap up for me as well.  My method is posted under Walt's brined & injected brisket.  A bit more prep but well worth it.  Pecan, oak or hickory is great & maybe a small piece of cherry with one of those is good for the wood but is subjective to individual taste. Good luck.
On a full packer cut, I insert the probe at an angle into the thickest part where the point and flat are together, but make sure the tip is in the meat, not the fat layer between the point and flat. 
Big fan of simple.

I smoke brisket at 250 with a salt and pepper rub, fat cap up.

Wrap at 165 and pull at 195.  this is Aaron Franklin's method.
Just pull her out to wrap and let rest. Tried a small bite of the corner and it tasted incredible!

I need to leave for 3-4 hours in just a bit.  I have triple wrapped it and placed it back in the smoker as low as I could set the temp.  Should I leave it that way or throw it in the cooler?  I'm worried I may be gone for 4 hours... Maybe slightly longer. Not sure yet. 

Opinions solicited!!!
Thanks again, guys!  I had already left my house before getting your replies.  So, I left the smoker on at 100F until I got back about 4 hours later.  I then turned it up to 150F for about 20 min to warm it up a little more before serving.  It was still very tender, juicy and delicious!

Before putting the brisket on the night before, my food probe had went on the blink on me.  So, I had basically smoked off of time.  Luckily, I estimated right.  I did go with the fat cap up and it turned out good.  However, I will smoke the next brisket fat cap down to see if there is any difference.

The brisket turned out great!  Thank you all for your help.  I did take some picture and will post them soon as I figure out how.

The rub of equal parts paprika/kosher salt/course ground pepper turned out to be fantastic!  I will definitely be using this rub again!  I highly recommend you try it!


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Someone else may have a different opinion but I feel 4 hours at 100 without a probe thermometer is not your best option. You have the possibility of growing some nasty stuff and getting sick. I would not have set the temp below 135 with the temp swings you would stay around the magic 140 temp.

At 100 you run the risk of dips into the 80's while the thermostat cycles. I prefer double foil on hot meat and stashing it in a cooler with towels. I have also used the smoker set at 140 to hold meat, i would go 135 in the future because the high end of the temp swings caused a bit of drying.
Thanks Brian!

I had it triple wrapped in foil and figured it would be even better than placing in a cooler to stay warm until serving.  I assumed a low heat vs no heat plus the wrapping would keep the internal temp good enough till I was able to serve.

I appreciate all the info!