1st attempt at beef jerky


New member
Hey All,
I smoked 3 lbs of London broil yesterday and the results were mixed. For one thing, I used my AMZNPS tube (12") for smoke instead of putting anything in the wood tray and the meat hanging directly over the tube was charred pretty badly by the end of the smoke. I decided that probably isn't the tool to use for jerky and I'm wondering if any of you use pellets in the wood tray or should I just stick with chunks? I guess I'm getting ahead of myself though and should tell you all what I did for this batch of jerky.

I marinated it for 2 days using this marinade:
8 oz Soy Sauce
2 oz Worcestershire sauce
2 Tbl Fresh coarse-ground black pepper
1 Tbl Garlic powder
1 tsp Cayenne
1 level Tbspn Morton Tender Quick
1 tsp Liquid Smoke
2 tspn red pepper flakes
1 Tbspn Honey
This is a recipe for 5 lbs of meat and seamed enough for my batch. I turned and mixed the meat about every 12 hours for the 2 days it was in the fridge and pulled it yesterday at noon. Put it on a rack using the bamboo skewer method and dried it with a fan for about an hour sitting on my kitchen counter. While it was under the fan I started my little guy and set the temp at 150 with nothing in the wood tray and no tube. I put the meat in after an hour under the fan and ran my #1 at around 160 for an hour with no smoke. The idea was to dry the meat prior to adding smoke and I think maybe I should have done 2 hours this way. Anyway, I added my AMZNPS tube when the meat had been in for an hour and continued the cook for another 4 hours. As I said, the meat directly over the tube got pretty charred and not real tasty so I pitched it. The rest of the meat is tasty but has a slightly bitter taste (I think from adding the smoke before the meat had dried out enough). It's edible and ok for a 1st go but I was hoping for better and I can see that better can sure be had using the SI #1. Buying an Auber is out of my reach right now, and I'm balking on getting a jerky drier too. I've been spending a lot of $$ on this current obsession and I need to take a break. :-) Any advice or help is appreciated, and thanks for listening.
BB, I hate to be negative Nelly, but you're just not going to get great jerky with that method - sorry. :(

First, if you're using 160, you are cooking, not drying.  Secondly, these smokers are just to good at moisture-retention to not use a fan...trust me, I tried, before getting a fan.  It makes as much difference as trying to cook a pork with or without a thermometer!  Yes, you can probably get "close," but that's all.

When I do jerky, I actually use an equilibrium brine (really not hard, and yields very predictable results), and smoke at low-temp (140).  Basically, it gets a couple hours of good smoke, without the fan, and the rest of the time with the fan.  Cured, dried, jerky is almost translucent - not opaque, like cooked meat.  That, to me, is the difference between cooked dried meat, and just "dried" meat.

Here's my method:  (There is a reference to "part 1" when I first tried this brining method, and how I adjusted the results very easily in Part 2)

Brine-Cured Beef Jerky, Part 2
Hey Bob, Another way is to wait until the meat is dried then put in the smoker. Add the wood in the wood box, set the temp at 140, smoke 2 hrs. Then remove and put in a dehydrator that you get from Wally World. http://www.walmart.com/search/?query=nesco%20food%20dehydrator&typeahead=dehydrator
They have different prices I got mine a few years ago for around $40. I know what you mean this is kind of expensive getting started. And you really do not need an Auber to get good BBQ.
Tony and Elkins, Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. You can be sure I won't be using that method again. lol. No glutton for punishment here. I do wonder if I can get my little guy down to 140 though. I had it set on 130 to get the internal swing from 144 - 170. (used my maverick 733, and it calibrated with my thermapen within 1 degree) I was using the smoke tube and that adds another heat source so I'm not going to use it with jerky again (or fish) but I'm still not sure I won't have to turn off the SI #1 to attain that low of a temp. What do you guys use to gauge the inside temp of your smoker, and when you say smoke jerky at 140 is that the bottom of the swing or the top? Center? I did read both your posts on jerky before doing this 1st batch, but didn't have a dehydrator or an auber so I decided to just go ahead and wing it without.
Thanks again for the help. Please let me know a little more about the temp settings and such.
Hmmmm, if I remember correctly, the post I showed you said to smoke at 2 hrs. with a temp. of (sorry mind just went blank). I was thinking the low number on the #1 is 140 but could be wrong. Also seems like you smoke it for 2 hrs. at 225 then finish in a dehydrator at 145 for 2 hrs. And I cannot find the post that I sent to you.
"Hey Bob, Another way is to wait until the meat is dried then put in the smoker. Add the wood in the wood box, set the temp at 140, smoke 2 hrs. Then remove and put in a dehydrator that you get from Wally World. http://www.walmart.com/search/?query=nesco%20food%20dehydrator&typeahead=dehydrator
They have different prices I got mine a few years ago for around $40. I know what you mean this is kind of expensive getting started. And you really do not need an Auber to get good BBQ. "
Here's the post you sent me elkins. I'm probably going to wally world and get one today. So smoke it at 225 for 2 hours, then in the dehydrator for 2 more at 140, yes?
Hey Bob, sorry about not answering your question properly and thanks for the post. What I would do if I was you, would put some wood in the wood box maybe 3.0 oz. Turn the controller up to 200 until you see smoke, with the door open. Then turn back to 140 ish. I just looked at the temp. on my #1 and you will have to guesstimate on it. You will still need a dehydrator or the jerky fan to dry the meat out.
Thanks elkins,
Dehydrator is on the way. Copy 200 till smoke starts then 140 for 2 hours. I'm sure I'll have better results next time. Unfortunately I have 3 lbs of the last batch to eat first.

:-( BB
Three pounds around here goes pretty quick especially if made from deer meat. I think you might have better luck with the dehydrator. In the mean time smoke something else. I love the way ribs comes out of the #1. I have a brisket point in my fridge later this evening will inject it, put some mustard on it and then some rubs. Will put on the smoker around 5:00am not sure of the temp. will cook it at. But, am leaning towards 250 until I reach an Internal Temp. of 195. This will be my first brisket so am winging it. lol
Hey Bob, no offense meant to Bill at all, but I disagree with his recommended process.  First, if you set the temp to 200, to get the smoke rolling, the smoker is going to heat up quickly.  You have a very good possibility of overshooting 140 before you "notice" the smoke, and at that point, you are cooking vs. drying.  Your #1 can be set at 140 to start with, so use that.  I understand if you don't want to buy the jerky fan (although it's the best solution to jerky and sausage), so a couple of hours of smoke, at 140, should work before transferring to the dehydrator.
Here is a thread that I started for a batch of extruded jerky that I did a while back. The principle would be the same for whole muscle jerky.

First let it be known that my #3 tends to run a little cold verses some others. I have been meaning to try the control knob adjustment trick to dial it in better, but just haven't gotten around to it yet. So, you may have to play with your temps a bit to get the right setting for your smoker.

But, as you can read in my post, I did get smoke at 100, but it died off after an hour. I bumped it up to 125 and had to later bump it up to 150. I think my control knob is off by between 10-15 degrees. So, if my smoker controls were correct, I would not have had to have my temp higher than 135-140 to get good quality smoke.

The #1s like you have tend to run a bit more true to temp, so my recommendation would be to start it at 125 and see if you can get sustained smoke. If not, you may have to bump it up a bit. I would be trying hard to keep it under 150 at the highest, but preferably in the 100-125 range as long as you can get good smoke for 2-3 hours.

I would also recommend that you ditch the A-MAZE-N smoker for pretty much everything that you smoke in your SI except for true cold smoking. They are just too much trouble to keep lit for traditional smokes because of the tight air-flow in the Smokin-It smokers. Don't get me wrong about my thoughts on the A-MAZE-N smokers. I definitely think that they have a place. I have both the AMNPS (5X8 Pellet tray) and an 18" AMNTS (Tube Smoker) and have used them with some success on cheese and cold-smoking bacon. My experience with them has led me to believe that they are best used for cold smoking when using with an SI. This is my opinion based on several tests that I did. See the following thread:

You could use a chip screen if you have one with some of your pellets or put some pellets in some foil and use them. I prefer to use wood chips as they tend to start smoking at lower temps than the chunks. I think either the pellets or the chips would work better than chunks.

After you have applied good smoke for 2-3 hours, you should have enough smoke applied and can put the jerky dryer on and go forward. If you do not have a jerky dryer or an acceptable substitute, you are probably going to continue to be disappointed. There is just too much moisture retained when smoking jerky or sausages that you need to be able to expel or you will just end up steaming your meat.

Depending on the type of dehydrator you have, you may be able to place that on top of the blow hole and accomplish the same thing as a jerky dryer. My dehydrator has a fan in the lid which I think would work. But, my folks have an older model that has the fan in the base that I don't see how it could be used.

I noticed in your original post was that you were skewering and hanging your jerky. This may be OK in a #4 that has a lot of vertical space. But, in a #1 or even in my #3 for that matter, I would strongly suggest that you lay them out on the racks. Hanging the jerky just causes too uneven of heat application. If your pieces are too thin and fall through the racks, you may have to get some Bradley racks or even better some Smokin-It Seafood racks.

Here are some links to what I am talking about:

I periodically rotate my trays from top to bottom and front to back to ensure even drying.

Also, I would not bother preheating your smoker. There really isn't a need for this.

My post got kind of wordy, so I apologize. But, hopefully this will help some. Others may agree or disagree with me on some of my points and that is OK. But, I have smoked a lot of jerky on several different types of smokers (see my signature) and have a pretty good idea on how to do this.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Good luck on your next batch.
Greg, Bill, and Tony,
Lots of good info here and thank you very much for it. I think I'll go with setting my #1 at 140, wood (probably pellets) in the wood tray, no AMZNPS, and smoke for 2 hours before putting the meat in the dehydrator to finish it. That said, I still have a few questions.
1. I think it was stated by one of you that the meat needs to be dry before going in the smoker or the #1 will just steam it. How do I dry it and for how long?
2. When you talk about temperatures sometimes it seems you're talking about the temp you set the SI at and sometimes you're talking about the actual temperature inside the unit. Greg, it sounds like you were just talking about set temp in your post, but if the control knob isn't calibrated correctly, then I have no way of knowing what I will be actually smoking at, so I've been putting my Maverick inside the unit, clipped to the smoke hole from the bottom and trying to get an approximation (temperature swings make it only an approximation ) of the temp I want. If I want to smoke at 140 I need to set the control knob at about 130 so it will swing from 125 to 150. Do any of you see a problem doing it this way, or can I just set it at 140 on the knob and trust that that will produce the results I want?
3. The little guy is pretty small and I probably couldn't get more than 2 lbs of meat laying flat on the grills (I only have 3 right now). Also, if I'm cooking (smoking) for only 2 hours then dehydrating do I still need to rotate the racks if I do lay the meat on them?
I'm sorry for all the questions and I know I'll get there by trial and error, but that's a lot more expensive than questions. Thanks for taking the time to help us noobs out. I do appreciate it.
Best Regards,
Ok Bob, will give it a go. 1. No, put the meat in the smoker after removing from the fridge or your curing. 2. Set the SI at 140 or close to it. The swing from 130 to 150 should be ok. Yes, use your maverick to keep track of the temp. in the SI. I usually wrap foil around mine at the end with the wire, and put between two bars on a rack. Just keep away from the meat. 3. I do not think you need to rotate the racks as you are not cooking just adding smoke to the meat. Yes, after 2 hrs. in the smoker move to the dehydrator. Hopefully Tony will also give you insight to your questions also.
Bob, I disagree with the meat needing to be "dry" before putting in the smoker.  I would lay it in wet, right out of the fridge, set the dial to 140 and let it go for 2 hours.  It will absorb smoke best when it's cold and wet.  Then it's dehydrator time!
Bob, I forgot, I believe you will need to set the dehydrator at 145 temp. but they come with directions and a cookbook. Double check about the time.
Bill and Tony,
Thanks again. I think I'm ready make another batch. Well, once I've eaten the last batch, that is. I guess I'll need to look into the jerky tray rails here and see what they run. That's the only way I can smoke a decent sized batch and lay em flat. Thanks again for the help. I'll post some results when I get her done.
Hey Bob, First goodmorning, now what I did on the #1 was to make my own seafood racks. You might do a search on cookie cooling rack and see if you can find some the same or close to the size of the racks in the #1. Normally can find cooling racks at a reasonable price. Another option is the fiber cloth that is on amazon, but not sure how often you can use them.
DivotMaker said:
Bob, I disagree with the meat needing to be "dry" before putting in the smoker.  I would lay it in wet, right out of the fridge, set the dial to 140 and let it go for 2 hours.  It will absorb smoke best when it's cold and wet.  Then it's dehydrator time!

Hey Tony, I attended a BBQ Boot Camp (as they call it) at our local university (North Dakota State University - Home of the 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 FCS National Football Champion BISON) and the faculty and food scientists that conducted this boot camp told us that smoke will not adhere to wet meat.

NDSU BBQ Boot Camp

I think this is the same reason that we try to dry our fish to form a pellicle prior to smoking.

That being said, if I brine my meat, I usually dab my meat as dry as I can with paper towels before smoking. But, it is by no means dry and I have always had great results.

Most of my jerky is made with High Mountain dry seasoning mixes that I mix with fairly wet meat and marinate overnight. By the time I smoke, it is more sticky than wet when I smoke it.

The bottom line is that I am not sure how big of a deal it is to have your meat really dry prior to smoking. But, regardless of whether you dry your meat prior to smoking or not, you must either use a dryer of sorts or pull the meat and put into a dehydrator.

If you are only smoking for a couple of hours and moving to the dehydrator and considering your space issues in the #1, your best bet is probably to stick with the skewers. But, if you were not using the dehydrator method, then I think you would still be better off smoking horizontally and rotating the trays even if you have to do smaller batches.

Regarding the temps that I had mentioned, I was primarily talking about set temps. But, the bottom line is that through some trial and error you want to find the lowest set temp that will still allow you to achieve smoke especially if you are smoking your jerky in the smoker for the entire smoke. If you move to a dehydrator, a few swings up into the 150s would probably not hurt.

I have purchased the jerky rails and some extra racks and they do work really well.

Good luck on your next batch. Take some pictures and let us know how it goes.
NDKoze said:
DivotMaker said:
Bob, I disagree with the meat needing to be "dry" before putting in the smoker.  I would lay it in wet, right out of the fridge, set the dial to 140 and let it go for 2 hours.  It will absorb smoke best when it's cold and wet.  Then it's dehydrator time!

Hey Tony, I attended a BBQ Boot Camp (as they call it) at our local university (North Dakota State University - Home of the 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 FCS National Football Champion BISON) and the faculty and food scientists that conducted this boot camp told us that smoke will not adhere to wet meat.

This is why the eggheads need to stick to their books and "theories!"  LOL!!  I have NEVER put a piece of "dry" meat into a smoker, and have also NEVER failed to have smoky meat!  Jeez...the crap that some "experts" spew!  Hope that course didn't cost you much!  Don't they realize that the surface moisture dries, as the meat heats?  I guess they're the experts, but it's funny how "real life" doesn't always match a bunch of college professor "theory!"
DivotMaker said:
NDKoze said:
DivotMaker said:
Bob, I disagree with the meat needing to be "dry" before putting in the smoker.  I would lay it in wet, right out of the fridge, set the dial to 140 and let it go for 2 hours.  It will absorb smoke best when it's cold and wet.  Then it's dehydrator time!

Hey Tony, I attended a BBQ Boot Camp (as they call it) at our local university (North Dakota State University - Home of the 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 FCS National Football Champion BISON) and the faculty and food scientists that conducted this boot camp told us that smoke will not adhere to wet meat.

This is why the eggheads need to stick to their books and "theories!"  LOL!!  I have NEVER put a piece of "dry" meat into a smoker, and have also NEVER failed to have smoky meat!  Jeez...the crap that some "experts" spew!  Hope that course didn't cost you much!  Don't they realize that the surface moisture dries, as the meat heats?  I guess they're the experts, but it's funny how "real life" doesn't always match a bunch of college professor "theory!"

There were definitely some things that they said that were maybe true for traditional wood and charcoal smokers that are not true for our smokers. But, for the meager $35 that I spent, I got to eat a ton of free food and did learn quite a few things.