17 hour butt


New member
7 lb smithfield from wally world.  Brine for 12 hours.  6 oz cherry wood for smoke.  Juice kicker box was in there too.

17 hours to 195 internal at 225 on smoker.  Foil wrapped for 3 hours. 

Good, moist, not great.  My wife said, wow, its not dry at all.  PS, pork was in date, but I thought it had an odd slight smell even out of the bag.  I'm guessing its what they prep for packaging>?

I thought there would have smelled more "smoke flavor"  Outside skin was either too tough or too fatty.  Bone pulled out easy, more internal fat to pull apart than I thought I would have.

A good for the price piece of meat, but I think I'll stick to good looking country ribs with bone in.

For sons b-day party, smoked shrimp was a hit!  Chicken on the charcoal was a hit too. Mom made homemade guac in the vitamix.  A great recipe! 

Someone brought frozen burgers for the weber.  Really, frozen burgers?  who buys those:)

A lot of coordination, now I need a nap!



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I am sorry you were disappointed by your smoke, I feel your pain. When this happens to me, others are like wow that was good and all I can think of is.... well it was ok.

I know that I am super picky with what I cook, smoke, bake are create, like many here.

Like you said it the smell was off, I wonder if you just got a marginal piece of meat. Also (just my option), If I had to choose between brining or injecting I would inject....

Have a safe and Happy 4th!

Yeah I am not a big fan of pulled pork either, my wife loves it though so I have a 9 pound butt going in the smoker right now for lunch tomorrow.
The problem with pulled pork is that for me (picky) is that you use it or lose it.

Which means it really tastes good the first time and then it is down hill. To help with this issue I normally smoke to a lower temp which allows me to chop it and then heat and pull.

But in the end, I eat it once maybe twice (but I do make mango burritos and freeze) and then give the rest away.

Brisket has become my new favorite since it reheats and tastes as good the second time around.

Cooking meat is one of those things that you can do exactly the same way time after time and never get one to turn out the same as another. 
Perfect point, I'm learning that!

I give cudos to restaurants and specialty places that can crank it out time after time and it being what you love to eat each time!

gregbooras said:
The problem with pulled pork is that for me (picky) is that you use it or lose it.

Which means it really tastes good the first time and then it is down hill. To help with this issue I normally smoke to a lower temp which allows me to chop it and then heat and pull.

But in the end, I eat it once maybe twice (but I do make mango burritos and freeze) and then give the rest away.

Brisket has become my new favorite since it reheats and tastes as good the second time around.


Vacuum pack the extra, while hot (right after pulling).  One bag in the fridge for that week, and the rest straight in the freezer!  When you thaw a bag, heat it slowly (in the bag) in almost-boiling water for a couple of hours...just like the day it was pulled.
I use Tony's technique and throw in a little apple juice as well. Use pulse on the vacuum pack. My guests and I cannot tell the difference from fresh smoked.
Was that a Boston butt, John?  Couldn't really see the bone shape in the picture.  It looks quite tasty.  If you use a good-quality Boston butt, trimming almost all the external fat off works great.  You get good brine/rub/smoke penetration, and there's still enough internal fat to make it juicy.  When I pull the butts I get from Sam's, I never find clumps of internal fat; it all renders out.  Sounds like you got a less-than-perfect pork shoulder.
Thanks John.  Just couldn't tell from the shape of the bone in the pic, but thought it was.  Sometimes, we just get a bad cut.  Dang pigs!  They make their own meat, and sometimes their quality control department just doesn't do their job! ;)