163 deg Warm Smoke in a 3D


New member

I’ve got a 3D and have used it mainly for brisket, ribs and shoulder.  I’m going to make old fashioned wieners in the not so distant future using sheep casing, and need to smoke the stuffed sausages @ 160-165 to an internal temp of 152.

Who has direct experience with the temp at which pellets will produce viable smoke in our smokers?  I assume the heating element gets hella hot initially which might start the process, but once the chamber comes to temp—things might cool off enough to be ineffective.  I also own an Amazn tube and was thinking I could program a smoke temp of 163—and supplement (if no smoke from the cubes in the firebox) with the smoke tube.  Questions is-will there be enough air and or temp to keep the pellets going.  Also thinking about feeding it air via an aquarium pump thru the grease drain. 

I’ve looked at the Bella Generator, but due to my state of residence-AK…getting it here is prohibitively expensive.  Smokin-It will not ship USPS.  Might get one in the future during a visit to the Midwest.

thanks for your thoughts

Peter - Welcome to the forum.  Why not try a dry run - empty smoker, pellets and the set temp you are looking at.  See how long it smokes. Then you'll know whether you need to use the tube or if the smoker will do its job.
Someone here, NDKoze I think mentioned that chips (in the firebox) will smoke at pretty low temps as compared to wood chunks. I'm thinking 135*?
That said for my recent SS endeavor I ramped the heat up gradually from 110*-170* and used an AMAZN tray for smoke at the lower temps.