15 pound brisket in 7 hours?


New member
Hey guys, I  have been using an Auber temp controller with my #3 smoker for a while and usually I get about 1.5-2 hours per pound.  I bought their newest WIFI model controller.  This thing is awesome for convenience.  However I was getting ready to wrap a 15 pound full packer brisket at about 7 hours and the temp of the meat hit 196.  Is this possible, to have such a short cook?
That sounds incredibly fast...  at what temperature were you smoking it?  How did it feel?  Did it jiggle like it should?  Did you ever see a stall?  The last couple briskets I did stalled at a much higher temperature than all of the others I'd ever done.  (But not that high...)  Do you have another meter where you can do a sanity check that you're getting a good temperature reading?
My immediate guess would be that the internal temp probe was, inadvertently, inserted into the brisket. This would cause the controller to register the IT instead if the box temp., cooking at max temp the entire time. 

It could be something else, but this is the most likely cause for extraordinarily quick cooks.
The cook temp was set at 225 but it was around 215-220 for most of the cook.  The last few hours it got to 225.  The previous Auber unit seemed to keep steady at 225 for the whole cook.  I wrapped it after 7 hours and let it cook another 2-3.  I think the brisket got to 199 degrees.  It was more tender than usual and it tasted very good.  I think the temperature reading was right but I still can't figure out how it cooked so quick.  The probes were inserted correctly, I double checked.
Had the same thing happen to me. 16 lbs. in 7 hrs. hit 209 in the flat. Controller was set to 237. Double checked the smoker internal probe and food probes with a Therm Pro and all readings were spread less than 10 degrees. Double checked the meat with a Therma Pen and it agreed. Brisket didn’t suck but it was definitely headed towards dry.