15 lb packer


New member
Bought a 15# packer, rubbed it with SPG and put it on my #2 with 3oz of cherry and 3 of peach (out of mesquite and didn't realize it). On for 13 hours at 225 and it hit 190 in the flat, bend was good so I pulled it. Sitting in cooler now and will be for another 6 hours waiting for dinner time.
Hope it is still good tonight after a 6 hour nap

Any idea why it only took 13 hours for a 15 pounder?
This is funny I just made a thread yesterday about my 17 pound packer.. actually 15 pounds after trimmed. It only took 13 hours too!! I was puzzled why it was done so quick as well. PS mine had to sit in the cooler for 6 hours as well and it was still very warm and juicy. Your whole cook sounds exactly like mine.
Laura I read your thread after I posted mine, gave me hope that mine will still turn out tonight.
I guess we just do everything faster up her in the PNW  :)
Lol yeah we are on the ball up here, we don't mess around hahah :)I have complete faith yours will turn out awsome. Let us know ok!
Chris that's awsome, if you do another one I'd be interested to see if it gets done as quickly. Tony said my 3D may be running a little hotter than it shows.
It may not be, Laura.  That was just my first inclination, based on your cook time.  Next time you do a smoke, if you have a way to check the box temp, you might want to, just for fun.  Certainly not a problem, as long as the smokes are good, but you can actually set a probe offset to account for any error.  You can also do this with a glass of ice water, over the probe, to see if it reads 32.
Great looking brisket Chris!

I've got 13.84 pounder waiting in the bullpen for out of town guests coming Tuesday and have been puzzling over my start time Monday but reading both your and Greenenvey's experience I'm gonna go ahead and put it on around 10pm and not worry if its done in 12 or 13 hours.

I was reluctant to get anything larger and curious how crowded was your #2 with the 15 pounder?