14# brisket in Model 1


New member
I did my first brisket this weekend and wanted to maximize the size of the brisket based upon reading here that bigger is better for smoking briskets.  I ended up with a 14# full packer from Costco that I estimate trimming 1 lb of fat from.  I used DM's recipe for pork brine for 13 hours and then coated with mustard and Baldridge seasoning.

I had seen in a post where DM was able to put 14 lbs of brisket in the model 1 and no mention of cutting it half.  I was able to put my 13 lbs onto a single shelf and with a little bit of effort I closed the door.  I put the temp at 225, but continue to struggle with properly using my Maverick temp gauge.  The gauge reading the smoker seemed close enough, but I must have had the probe for the meat too close to the rack as it quickly was 190 after 3 hours and then was 200 to 220 throughout the rest of the smoke.  So plan B was to check at 13 hours, 1 hour per pound, and then use the toothpick method and Javelin temperature probe to check internal temp.

I spend quite a bit of time looking back at old posts and during the smoke I found an older post from DM where he cuts his full packer briskets in half when using the model 1 and I started to worry that I had messed up by putting the entire brisket on the single rack and jamming it inside.  I had visions of it being raw on the ends where it might be up against the box itself.  But I decided the dice were rolled and I was going to see this out.

At 13 hours I pulled the door open and it looked awesome!  I used the Javelin probe and the point was 190 and the flat was 200.  I was more than thrilled my first go round was not a flop and looked very promising.  I double foiled and rested in a cooler for 2 hours.  The brisket tasted great and everyone at home was happy with the results. 

Bacon wrapped hotdogs with my 8 year old on the menu for next weekend!


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I have a #1. I cut the brisket in half. Put the flat on the top rack, fat side up. Put the point fat side down on one of the racks below. I put temperature probes in both pieces. There is no need to rotate the racks. I go for 195 in the flat, and 200-205 in the point. The point and the flat do cook a little differently, but because of this placement, my two halves always seem to end up at their goal temps at the same time. Since you have two pieces though, you can take one out before the other if necessary.
Got lucky, with the fit, Steve!  No, I never attempted that with the #1!  I could fit a proper-length 14 lb packer in the #2, though.  Amazing how much they shrink!  Glad it worked out.  How about some money shots of the slices?? ???
My wife ended up making cheese quesadilla's with the left over brisket and they were awesome.  The smokey meat added a new flavor to an old favorite.
LBC LazyQ said:
My wife ended up making cheese quesadilla's with the left over brisket and they were awesome.  The smokey meat added a new flavor to an old favorite.

You'll find new and exciting ways, for leftovers!  Nothing better than pulled pork tacos, too! ;)
I did a brisket smoke yesterday and it was awesome!


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