1 year in


New member
Hi all, I purchased my #1 about a year ago and just haven't gotten around to introductions yet, so better late than never right?  I started smoking several years back with charcoal on my Weber Performer, and the meats have always come out truly amazing.  Fast-forward several years and two super active kids later, I don't have the time anymore to sit around and keep adding coals throughout the day.  Looked around for electric smokers for a while and didn't like reviews I saw on the main stream ones, so I started digging deeper which is how I found out about Smokin-It.  And here I am...glad to be part of the family.

So although ths is my 1st post, I have been lurking...getting recipes here and there, researching methods to cooking different meats, etc.  I've got a few cooks in (butts, ribs, roast, turkeys, wings, breasts, whole chickens) and am liking not having to babysit the smoker throughout the cook.  Got some things I need to figure out though and will try to post those questions in the correct forums

Anyway, that's me.  good to be here
Welcome from Central Texas! I’m only 3 smokes in on my #2 and still learning the ropes. I too looked at the mainstream electrics before finding this jewel.
Meh, you know we take things nice and slow around here.  :)  Many (most?) of us are on a first name basis, too...  anything we can call you besides Blues?  Welcome to the family.
Welcome from Delaware, Eric!  Sounds like you are up and running!  The no babysitting is a real plus for these smokers.  Cheers