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    Cook time vs. Cookshack

    I have a #2, so my experiences may be different. When I do BB ribs, I smoke at 235-240F for 5.5 hours and get meat that falls off the bones results every time. I take them out at 4 hours and sauce them up, but they are definitely not ready at that point. Another 1.5 hours back in the smoker...
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    Hello from NC

    Welcome from Delaware, Jim. Enjoy the #1 - Cheers!
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    First cook Ham and Bacon

    Congratulations on your first smoke -- and by all indications, a successful one! The ham and bacon pics are making my mouth water! I think you are up and running now! Cheers
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    No need to be nervous! After a couple of runs you won't believe how easy it is with the smokin-it smokers! Keep in mind that you don't need a lot of wood, either. Usually 3-5oz of wood is all it takes. Let us know is you have questions -- lots of great advice in this group!
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    Welcome from Delaware, Nancy --- I am sure you will love the 3D!
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    Maple-Bourbon Bacon

    This is something I have never tried in my 10+ years with a SI #2. Your pictures are inspiring me to give it a whirl!
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    Hello from South Subs of Chicago

    Welcome from Delaware, Damien! Cheers
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    Hours/lb. for turkey breast

    I used about 5oz of Cherry wood in my smoke yesterday for a 7.5lb turkey breast and the smoke was perfect for me. So, I would suggest a minimum of 3oz, but I think a little more would work fine too.
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    Hours/lb. for turkey breast

    By way of update, I just smoked a 7.5lb turkey breast this morning at about 260F and it took almost exactly 3.5 hours to reach 162IT. I have it resting now for an hour or so before I slice it up.
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    Hours/lb. for turkey breast

    I have done several turkey breasts in the 7-8lb range and generally take about 3 hours at 240. I would shoot for 4 hours, which will be more than enough time and use the extra time you don't need for resting the breast.
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    Hello from the North Woods of Wisconsin.

    Welcome from Delaware, David!
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    Questions from a new SI model 3 owner

    I am a fan of Smokinlicious wood...the moisture content of their wood allows it to just smoke without catching on fire. Just smoked 2 racks of BB ribs this weekend with two chunks of their wood...after 6 hours, two charred chunks remained with no ash. I second everything old sarge said as...
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    Hello fellow smoke-heads! Indiana Checkin-IN!

    Welcome from Delaware, Tom! Cheers
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    Latest Smokinlicious Shipment

    Good to know! I am getting ready to order my next box from Smokinlicious....I really like this supplier.
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    Hello from Texas

    Welcome from Delaware. Let us know how the first smoke goes -- Cheers
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    Need to reset setting for time and temp

    I have the #2 analog and set the temp dial to the desired temp when I turn it on. In the first heating cycle, I see a lot of smoke, but after the second or third heating cycle, the smoke is not really noticeable. Is this what you mean by the smoke stops mid stream? There is still smoke...
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    Greetings from Boston!

    Welcome from Delaware, Paul. The plate ribs look marvelous - congrats on the first smoke success!! Cheers
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    Hi from MN

    Welcome from Delaware!
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    Hello from central Illinois

    Welcome from Delaware! I have a #2 analog and love it!