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    How many bone-in pork butts needed

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    How many bone-in pork butts needed

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    How many bone-in pork butts needed

    Will be making pulled pork for about 70 adults. I saw a calculator that said 5-6 bone-in 8# butts would be needed. Does this sound correct?
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    Sydney Camper Smoker

    We have been doing a lot of traveling the last few years and would like a smoker to take along on our travels in our motorhome. I've used the #2 for several years at our home and was well pleased with it but it is too heavy for me to take along and it's only the two of us. This Sydney Camper...
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    Model 3 weight

    I’ve had a #2 for a couple years and am thinking of moving up to a #3. What is the weight of the model 3? I’m trying to decide if I would still be able to use the cart I have for my #2. My current cart is not a Smokin-it cart.
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    Whole Brisket in the #2

    Doing a whole brisket in the #2 this weekend. It was about 17# before trimming. After trimming I separated the point from the flat so that it would fit in the smoker. I injected both parts and placed the flat on the top shelf and the point below.  Set the Auber to 225 with the Auber meat probe...
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    #2 Thoughts

    Did my first cook in the #2 last week. I did a whole chicken so as to compare how it differed from My Smokie Mountain. There was no real difference as the chicken turned out great. Cooking on a charcoal smoker doesn’t seem to offer any different taste. If anything I would say you get more of a...
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    #2 or #3

    I can’t decide between the #2 or #3. I’m leaning toward the #2. The width appears to be the same and only the depth is longer. I mostly smoke ribs, brisket and pork butt on my WSM but would like to start doing sausages also. Would the extra depth on the #3 make much of a difference for my...