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  1. Wik

    Help make sense of a type of Salt in an old German Summer Sausage Recipe?

    I have a few old Summer Sausage recipes that refer to a salt of some type (below are some variations): Migro Pickel Mico Pickle Meikral pickel Myco Pickle Salt Freezing Pickle (mico) 1lb box of Mico Pickle Any ideas of that this is?  I'm assuming it is maybe just Morton Pickling Salt but maybe...
  2. Wik

    Old Style Number #3 (PreHandle) with Handle Added

    I don't have to lift my number three, but I do have to get it over a door jam every time I wheel it outside.  So I thought I might as well bite the bullet and add a handle.  Wasn't sure how strong it would be but is seems to not have any give in it with the handle I added.  Plus I can hang cords...
  3. Wik

    Amateur Dry Cured vs Wet Brined Buckboard Bacon Competition

    Hey All, After gathering some info from Pork Belly, NDKoze, and others posts I thought I'd try both methods on some buckboard bacon using their recipes.  Thanks guys for sharing as I knew nothing about the process or sample recipes to start from!!!  Smoked the Dry Cured a few days ago and...
  4. Wik

    Tip - Don't plug the probes in backwards

    Did a dumb thing today.  Doing a Boston Butt and was rushed getting it setup.  Plugged probes in backwards.  Lets just say by the time I noticed it the one probe had the -H- error on it and the smoker was running at full power yet since it was sensing the Chamber temp as the Meat internal temp. ...
  5. Wik

    Temperature Swings / Max Temp / Concerns / Etc

    I was just thinking maybe we should make a formal sticky on this subject with some of the experiences many of us have came to understand.  As well as maybe some of the outstanding questions.  Some topics I was thinking that could be included are: Seasoning Temp Swings - Don't fret it will act...
  6. Wik

    Odd meat challege by my neighbor - Advice?

    Ok so here's the deal.  My neighbor challenged me to smoke an odd mix of things for us tomorrow.  Not really sure how to tackle it.  Here is the list: (2) 3.5lb Leg of Lamb (2) 1.25lb Lamb Ribs (1) 3lb Pork Hocks Thinking of running smoker at 225 and cooking Leg of Lamb until 150-160, assuming...
  7. Wik

    Auber flexibility and butt rest

    I'm not one to babysit my smoker especially in the winter.  Going to smoke my first butt with the Auber PID and was wonder on opinions for the rest cycle in the smoker instead of the wrap and set on the counter method.  Since I have the flexibility to reduce the heat once hits IT 200-205 what...
  8. Wik

    Auto Tuning - Group Results

    Figured maybe working as a group we can aggregate a list of Auto Tuned values for the various SI models and also see what environmental variables have any impact.  Granted I'm pretty satisfied with the results I've seen so far with the Auber PID, but I'm hoping to learn more from the results. ...
  9. Wik

    Pork Crown Rib Roast - Help / Suggestions

    Looking for some ideas / confirmation on my holiday Pork Crown Rib Roast I have planned as I'm starting to think I bit off more than I can chew.  (Ok I'm sure it will turn out fine, but wanted to learn any tips before attempting this on Monday) Game Plan: Brine - Skip? Rub - Some type of...
  10. Wik

    Ribs and Meatloaf - Rack Placement

    Hi all, New to smoking anything outside of summer & breakfast sausage as well as electric smoking with #3, so maybe I'm over thinking this question.  But tomorrow I plan on smoking some Ribs for the misses and myself & for the kids some meatloaf at the same time.  My question it this, is there...
  11. Wik

    New #3 owner from bitterly cold MN

    Hello - Just got my #3 earlier this week and performed the seasoning process.  Ready to try it out for the big college football game tomorrow.  Go NDSU Bison! I may have some dumb questions down the road.  While I have some experience with country & summer sausages using old converted fridges...