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  1. S

    Record for me - smoking ribs at 9*F

    Christmas Eve was a balmy 9*F in Delaware, with 15 mph winds!  The kids wanted BB ribs for dinner.  So, I tried out my #2 on the deck but wasn't sure about doing this with the 9* temp.    I put two racks of BB ribs in the smoker, crossed my fingers, and gave it shot!    I let the #2 go for...
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    Rump Roast Success

    Seeing Ken’s post of a top round encouraged me to try this as well.  My butcher recommended a rump roast, so I went with a 6.5lb rump roast for this smoke.  I applied Jeff Philip’s Texas Rub on Friday afternoon, and into my #2 smoker with 5oz of Oak wood at noon on Saturday.  The smoke box...
  3. S

    Beef Ribs

    I finally got to RD and picked up some beef (plate) ribs.  The ribs came in a two pack with three ribs on each piece.  I brined them for about 5 hours on Saturday, then rubbed with a Dalmatian rub for overnight on Saturday.  On the smoker at 8am Sunday with 3.5oz of hickory and 1.5oz of oak...
  4. S

    Kudos to Steve!

    For Christmas, my wife gave me the cold smoking plate from SI so I can try out smoking cheese.  For most holidays (birthday, father's day, etc), my wife has strategically found something from SI to give to me.  So, this Christmas was no exception, but what she said on Christmas Day really struck...
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    New Years Eve Moinks

    Several folks in my neighborhood celebrate New Years at a neighbor's home, and the neighbor requested that I smoke moinks for the party.  Having not done this is in a while, I thought I better try a practice run.  I tested today with 1.3# of 80/20 hamburger, to which I added a bit of garlic...
  6. S

    Brisket Cheesesteak

    I have been eating away on a brisket that I smoked last week, primarily brisket sammies.  Got a bit bored with that approach, and then found a post from RG in the "What's Cooking" forum on brisket cheesesteaks.  I tried this last night and WOW!  what a great cheesesteak!  Planning to do...
  7. S

    Virgin Brisket

    Putting this off long enough, I purchased a 8# brisket flat yesterday.  Brined for 9 hours, then rubbed for an overnight rest using Jeff Phillips Texas rub.  On the smoker today at 6am with 3 oz of hickory and 3 oz of mesquite at 225F.  By 9 am, it was at 178IT and removed at 1pm at 196IT.  I...
  8. S

    Smoked Steaks

    I watched a video recently on how to cook steaks and they advised slow cooking the steaks at 275F in an oven and then reverse searing in a cast iron skillet.  So, I thought I would give it a try using my #2 and then the Weber gasser.  I got a couple of 1.25” thick steaks, seasoned and in the...
  9. S

    Cheesy Smoked Meatballs

    I tried Jeff Phillip's recipe for Cheesy Smoked Meatballs ( today.  I followed all of the measurements for the recipe, but I did not sauce the meatballs after they went to the smoker.  I smoked the meatballs...
  10. S

    Turkey Breast Stall

    I am smoking an 7# turkey breast this afternoon.  On the smoker at noon with a set temp of 240F.  Now at 3:30pm, and the breast has stalled at 154F for the past 30 minutes!  No worries, don't need it to hit 165F until 4:30-5:00.  I wanted to share this for folks that want to smoke a turkey...
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    Mac and Cheese

    I have been wanting to try out mac and cheese in the SI2, and finally this weekend pulled the trigger.  I followed a recipe posted by Jeff Phillips of, which I highly recommend.  The mac and cheese was fantastic! Link...
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    FoodSaver GameSaver Deluxe

    I am close to pulling the trigger on a food sealer.  In addition to the reviews already posted, I came across the FoodSaver GameSaver Deluxe that is sold at Cabela's for about $140.  Has anyone used one of these or a related FoodSaver product?  Thanks!
  13. S

    First Try for Sauasage Fatties

    Decided to try a sausage fatty this weekend, but I made the mistake of telling my neighbors up the street.  They wanted to know what time to stop by on Sunday to try it out, so I decided I better make two!  The fatty's were totally delicious, with only 3 pieces left by the time folks left for...
  14. S

    Turkey Breast - Test 1

    Did a 7# turkey breast run today to prepare for Thanksgiving.  I followed the brining advice and bacon on top that were mentioned in other posts.  The brining was limited to about 5 hours given that the tb was already injected with stuff from the manufacturer.  I used Jeff Philip's rub  and...
  15. S

    Pulled Pork Success!

    The first time I tried a Boston Butt (July 4th), my family got tired of waiting and I ended up removing the Butt at 175F..tasted fine, but chewy.  This weekend, my wife and kids went to the beach and I had the whole day to myself, so I decided to smoke a 6.2# Butt.  I used mustard and Jeff...
  16. S

    First Boston Butt, looking forward to next

    Hi all, I hope everyone had a great 4th!  I tried out my first 7# Boston Butt on the 4th.  I applied the rub the day before so it had about 24 hours wrapped in plastic wrap.  The Butt was in the smoker at 5:30am with temp set to 225F.  Stalled at 11am at 160 IT, and remained there for the rest...
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    Boston Butt - Additional wood?

    I am thinking of trying out a Boston butt for the fourth, something that I have been delaying to attempt given the time requirement.  My question for those of you that have smoked a butt in 7-8lb range...should I add addtional wood after 3 or 4 hours, or just rely on the initial wood that I use...
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    Tasty Baked Potatoes and Corn on the Cob!

    This weekend, I decided to cook steaks on the grill for Father's Day.  But, I didn't want to miss a chance to use the #2 as, I did baked potatoes and corn on the cob in the smoker.  For the potatoes, I seasoned and cooked uncovered for 2 hours at 225, then wrapped in heavy foil for...
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    Starting the Smoker

    I assume this is normal, but wanted to check with others.  When the temperature starts to warm up in the smoker, I am getting a lot of smoke, and it appears to be a dark gray.  After about 15 minutes, the smoke comes out in puffs, and then it seems like the unit exhales deeply and the smoke...