Cleaning Bella?

Gary McC

New member
I’m finding the Bella smoker a bit of a conundrum. First, I’m finding it to be a very hands on experience, was hoping it was closer to set it and forget it once you’re through the initial “get it going” period. It seems to be pretty consistent for hours 2 - 4 and from that point on it seems I have to play around with the airflow and vent to maintain any smoke from the smoker vent. I’ve found a lot of soot build up in the tube, that I’m sure is part of the problem, in some cases it’s almost completely blocked. I wish someone eith more (good) experience with this setup would do a YouTube video, but I haven’t found anything. Secondly, what do you use for cleaning? Smokin-It recommends “drain cleaner”, but nothing more specific than that. I bought a Draino product the first time that was very effective but I find quite expensive considering the fact that I find it necessary after every use. I’m trying a Zep product now that is in crystal form, my initial use was somewhat effective, but I’m now on round 2. Again, would love to hear what you’re using.