Recent content by Smokin Papa

  1. Smokin Papa

    Smoking Sausages in my 5D

    Did my first sausage links in my 5D after Christmas and had some issues I’m trying to understand.  I think I might have figured out some factors, but need your help knowing if they are right or not.  Will include some photos for visual reference. Put sausages on 4 racks, spaced out racks to...
  2. Smokin Papa

    New Bella problem staying lit

    Got my new 5D Wi-Fi up and running, got it the day before Thanksgiving. Attached the Bella CSG. Did a trial smoke a week or so ago, summer sausage and snack sticks. Tried to light the Bella, using hickory pellets. Had the air pump on lowest setting. Flames came out of the side hole where you...
  3. Smokin Papa

    Look what the FedEx stork delivered!

    Was delivered on Wednesday, got checked out and cleaned out. Castors on Thanksgiving morning, hooked up to wi-fi and on back deck today going thru 4 hour seasoning. Now that I got my garage fridge back, have pork and beef thawing for it’s first smoke. Still deciding what to make first.
  4. Smokin Papa

    Seasoning temperature for #5D Wi-Fi

    Since the 5D goes to 325f, should we use that temp to season it. Would soaking the wood chunks help them last the 4 hours and not catch fire, burn up before the seasoning time is done. The 2014 post on seasoning said use 250f, but maybe that was as high as they could go back then? My #5D should...
  5. Smokin Papa

    Correct Temp for Seasoning

    I read the section on seasoning your smoker and the steps to take. It was written in 2014 and maybe the highest temperature available then was 250f. I am waiting for my #5 D wi-fi to be shipped, and it has 325f as the top temp. Do I season at 325f? Will that temp cause the wood to ignite and not...
  6. Smokin Papa

    #5D Wi-Fi order is in!

    Just bite the bullet and placed the order minutes ago.  My wife said this “baby” cost more than any of kids did.  Now just waiting for the stork to deliver. Will have a lot of prep reading to do, and forum posts to view.
  7. Smokin Papa

    1st post from So. utah

    Wanted to say I’m glad to be part of this forum.  I am not yet a Smokin’-It family member…but will be ordering my SI #5D Wi-Fi tomorrow along with a Bella CSG! After more than 6 months of research, finding, deciding and debating which model, I said go big or go home. We’ll see if there is a way...