Recent content by iamimdoc

  1. I

    Time needed

    I am going to smoke two 8.5 pound pork butts in model 3 at 225. What would folks estimate the time required will be? Thanks
  2. I


    I am going to smoke two 8.5 pound pork butts in model 3 at 225. What would folks estimate the time required will be? Thanks
  3. I

    Auber and other smokers

    There are blowers designed to be used on Big Green Eggs and on Weber kettles to adjust temperature Could an Auber 1520 PID Controller be used on these devices (that are not similar to the Smokin it) Thanks
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    Auber on internet

    Auber Works fine. I am able to see the Auber on my iPhone when I am on Wi-Fi at my house. My question is, is it possible to see the Auber when I am not on my home Wi-Fi  but out and about and able to access the internet via iPhone? Thanks
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    Auber at low temp - should it work

    I tried a new to me technique. Re ribs. Cooked the ribs and then wrapped in foil and kept at 150 for many hours. Makes having food ready at a desired time a breeze. Worked well. I set the Auber temp to 150 as I just wanted to use the smoker as a low temp warming oven. Smoker in very hot Texas...
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    Max temp

    I have an Auber.  What is max temp at which the Model 3 can be used with the Auber ? Is 300 or 325 doable, safe, etc? Thanks
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    Problem solved re: Auber not getting to temp

    I have placed a few posts re inconsistent heating and not accurate ( not what I set Auber to) heating. I believe the problem was my plug.  The plastic was broken and the wires were placed in the quick setup position (“backwiring” on back side) and not looped over the screws on the side for...
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    Auber and issues

    Trying to get consistent results Using a model 3 smoker with 1800 watt Auber Autotuned the Auber at 225 Let it run almost 24 hours with a dummy load of dirt water and a brick See attached file with output Temp at 225 typically 215 to 225 Changed temp to 235 and closer to 225 Not sure...
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    Auber issues

    I am using  a several years old Auber PID controller Wsd -1500h-w Wi-Fi on a model 3 smoker. Current weather in the high 80s or above at my location. Smoker in the sun, auber in the shade Even though set point on smoker is at 265, temp reported on smoker probe is never above 220 after not...
  10. I

    Best practice for freezing Pork butt suggeations

    Will be doing a 10 pound pork butt this weekend. This is for the following weekend.  Will heat up with sous vide. Suggestions as to freezing:  unshredded or shredded or makes no difference ?
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    Need suggestions ASAP...

    Dinner  at 7 tonite. I’m in cold weather. Freezing last nite Wife suggested adding in ribs in addition to the 13 pound brisket that I had planned on So I decided to start brisket  at 730 last nite figuring finish all by this afternoon Brisket done at 8 am though. Cooked at 225 and usually...
  12. I

    Whats in the pan

    After cooking ribs and sausage and a pork butt in the last few weeks, I have a drip pan full of brown liquid.  Some oil floating in the liquid - not a ton. No water pain in the cooker Is this mainly water from the meat? When fat renders, does it solidify again when it cools in the pan or does...
  13. I

    Preventing spills around the smoker

    Have a number 3 smoker Will probably get a stand - "Stephanie". When I open the door and pull out the racks, fluids often drip on my concrete patio - from the meat and or bottom of the door. I have out down newspapers, plastic bags etc - not very elegant Anyone else have a better solution...
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    Auber dysfxn or other issue

    I have the WSD-1500H-W unit with Model 3 smoker.  P= 60, I = 800, D = 150 - are current settings that have worked fine in the past. Thermostat turned allway up on smoker.  My typical cook temp is 225.  Has worked fine for several years with very reproducible results until the last 2 cooks. 4...
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    Can anyone comment on stainless steel stands for a model 3 smoker The Smokin it Stand looks OK but I would prefer the functionality of the one for the Model 1-2 smokers Possibly...